I went to Litt Tak warehouse sales yesterday morning(10th June), and I'll say it's quite disappointing. There's not many choices of gunpla kits on sale, and the already limited choices are reduced some more due to people purchasing on the first 2 days of the sales + no restocking. The prices are also quite disappointing as most kits are only a few ringgits cheaper than usual prices at hobby shops, with some more expensive!
Here's the price list of what I surveyed:
(If price stated unknown, it means I saw the kit but didn't take notice of the price)
PG GP01/FB - RM660
PG Astray Red Frame - RM595
PG RX-78-2 Extra Finish - Unknown
PG Wing Gundam Zero Custom - RM496
MG Nu Gundam - RM166
MG Hi-Nu Gundam - RM232
MG Zeta Gundam 2.0 - RM166
MG Sinanju Ver. Ka - RM232
MG Unicorn Gundam HD Color + MS Cage - RM248
MG Wing Gundam EW - RM116
MG Sword/Launcher Strike Gundam - RM160
MG Aile Strike Gundam - RM126
MG Kampher - RM133
MG Gundam Exia - RM126
MG Infinite Justice Gundam - RM155
MG Freedom Gundam Extra Finish - RM296
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Extra Finish - Unknown
MG RX-78-2 2.0 Expo Clear - Unknown
MG Astray Red Frame - RM166
MG Astray Blue Frame - Unknown
MG ZZ Gundam - Unknown
MG Zeong - RM200
MG Gundam 00 Raiser - RM250
MG Zaku Cannon - RM150
MG RX-178 MkII AEUG 1.0 - RM93
MG RX-178 MkII Titans 1.0 - RM93
MG G-Fighter - RM100
MG RX-79(G) - RM100
MG GP03S - RM116
HG Jegan (ECOAS Type) - RM54
HG Sinanju - RM80
HG Sinanju Titanium Finish - RM171
HG Sazabi Titanium Finish - Unknown
HG Sazabi GPB Color - RM150
HG Re-GZ - Unknown
HG Cherudim GNHW/R - Unknown
HG Gundam 00 Seven Swords/G Inspection Ver. - RM100
HG 1/100 Wing Gundam Zero Custom - RM67
HG 1/100 Gundam Sandrock - RM67
HG 1/100 Tallgeese - RM83
NG 1/100 Gale Strike Gundam - RM50
NG 1/100 Vent Saviour Gundam - RM93
NG 1/100 Virtue - RM120
NG 1/100 Seravee - RM140
NG 1/100 Cherudim - RM97
NG 1/100 Cherudim Designers' Color - RM110
NG 1/100 Arios - RM97
NG 1/100 Arios Designers' Color - RM110http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
NG 1/100 Gundam 00 Raiser Clear Edition - RM200http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Sorry that I didn't survey on SD/BB and MG Figurines kits as I'm not interested in them.
The following items are either sold out or I didn't notice, info credits to
Nicholas Chua aka
ascentic of LowYat.Net Forum.
MG Sazabi - RM 265
MG Gundam NT-1 "Alex" - RM80
MG Zaku Minelayer - RM150
MG The O - RM397
MG Unicorn Gundam OVA - RM166
MG Full Armor Gundam - RM166
HG Gundam Exia Repair II Metallic Finish - RM45
HG 1/100 Gundam DeathScythe - RM67
HG 1/100 Gundam Heavyarms - RM67
HG Gundam Operation V(RX-78-2, Guncannon & Guntank) - RM87
HG Nu Gundam - RM87
NG Blitz Gundam Expo Clear - RM67
NG Astray Mirage Frame 2nd L - Unknown
NG Astray Mirage Frame - Unknown
NG Nix Providence Gundam - Unknown
NG Hail Buster Gundam - RM50
FG Launcher Strike Gundam - RM17
FG Sword Strike Gundam - RM17