Today's post is about my loot from 2011 Mid-year Bandai Action Kits Universal Cup(BAKUC) event held at Malaysia International Exhibition & Convention Centre(MIECC) @ The Mines.
Litt Tak, the distributor for Bandai products in Malaysia, took this chance to have a small warehouse sales during this event, and here are what I bought from there:
*Definitely not bought MG 00 Qan[T], it's just the paper bags containing my purchases XP
Quite nice designs on the bags, going to store it nicely =D
Here's what's inside...
MG MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam 2.0 (RM165)
HG MSN-04 Sazabi GPB Color (RM150)
The purpose of me going there today is to buy a second unit of MG ReZEL Commander Type, because I've been informed that it is selling for RM135 only!
Originally I've decided not to go, as MIECC is not near to my house and not very convenient to go there, but this awesome price changed my mind!
However, after going all the way there, lost the way a bit in between, frustratingly searched for parking, finding the way to the exhibition hall, looking around for ReZEL Commander Type......
Found the last unit on sale, and you know what? The price tag shows RM165!
I thought it may be a typo, so I asked a staff, and to my dismay, he told me that was the true price!
I interrogated further that I was told it was RM135, and the staff told me that yesterday's price of RM135 was a typo, those who bought it yesterday were lucky!!!
How irony that I thought RM165 price was a typo but in fact actually is the RM135 price that was a typo!
Damn I was so pissed off, I passed up on buying the kit although it was still cheaper than usual price, but I don't want to went all the way there just to leave empty handed, so I choosed the MG Zeta 2.0.
In forum(, members were saying how awesome the white Sazabi was, and it's a limited event only edition, but I didn't want to buy due to it's a HG kit(an expensive one too).
But I saw the assembled kit on display at BAKUC and I immediately decided to buy it, because of the large size of Sazabi for a HG kit, and the white colour is awesomely cool! Felt like a guardian knight xD
I didn't have time to post some of my purchases last week from Berjaya Times Square:
RG GAT-X105 Aile Strike Gundam (RM90)
Mr. Super Clear Flat (RM39)
Mr. Super Clear Gloss (RM39)
Hell I'm so regretting buying the RG Aile Strike, because it was on sale at the warehouse sale for RM80 only! Bundled free with Action Base 3 some more!
EDIT: I misunderstood sbout the RG Aile Strike promo, it is not bundled with Action Base 3. The promo is if you buy RG Aile Strike + Action Base 3, you'll get a free 3D RG Aile Strike postcard. Sorry for any misunderstanding caused.
Kinda lots of disappointment today, not to mention burnt a hole in my wallet >_<
That's it for this post, kinda long winded, LOL
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