
MG GAT-X105E Lukas's Strike E + IWSP - WIP Part 1

I planned to only paint some minor details on this kit, apply decals, and topcoat it. So most of this kit is going to be in original plastic colours. I've only finished the head, torso and feet so far.

Head and torso:
 *Nothing special done here, just applied a few provided dry-transfer decals on the chest top and stomach.

*Added some minor silver details around the neck.

*Painted the thrusters gold using Artline gold marker, and silver on the bolt using Artline silver marker.

*Applied provided stick-on decals on side of chest and waist, and also side of head.

*Painted the eyes using Artline gold marker too, with black paint around the eyes. Used Gundam Marker GM17 Metallic Blue to paint the forehead and back camera. The vulcans were painted silver, and the cheek vents were just filled in with Gundam panel line marker GM01.

*Painted the ankle's hydraulic pipes and bolts. I used Gundam Marker Seed Destiny GM59 Red for the red parts, but it ended up with a disastrous result. First I painted white as a base colour, then layered over it with red. I have no idea why did black spots appear after the paint dried. If anyone reading this who knew the reason, please feel free to leave a comment to advice me, thank you =).

*The part where the ball joint is located was originally red, but I've painted it gray using Gundam Marker GM12 Gray.

*Painted gold on the thrusters vents, while silver around the rims. Some minor silver bolts details.
*Stick-on decals applied on front top of foot and side of heel.

All of the parts above have been gloss topcoat-ed before masking off the shiny parts, then topcoat-ed with flat topcoat.
Currently finished detailing and applying decals on the arms, leaving only topcoat to finish them. Just started to work on the legs. Stay tune for Part 2!

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